Brief: Is this the dawn of a new era in women’s sports?

DEIB: Diversity Inclusion

Introduction and Overview

The discourse surrounding diversity and inclusion within organizational frameworks is increasingly becoming a focal point of corporate strategy, particularly in the United States. At the heart of these discussions is an emphasis on creating environments that are not only diverse in makeup but are also inclusive in practice and policy, fostering a culture that truly celebrates and benefits from its diversity. Within this context, the article titled "Is this the dawn of a new era in women’s sports?" from The Conversation provides a compelling examination of the evolving landscape of women’s sports and its broader implications on creating a positive, diversity, and inclusive environment for organizations and society. This analysis reveals the intersection of gender, media representation, and commercial success in the realm of sports, offering a unique lens through which corporate leaders can understand and implement DEIB practices.

Key Points

The article outlines several critical components related to the evolution and current state of women’s sports. It underscores a significant increase in visibility, investment, and interest in women's sports, attributed to various factors, including legislative changes, societal shifts, and enhanced media coverage. The piece highlights the historical challenges faced by female athletes and sports organizations, including unequal pay, lack of media coverage, and inadequate investment compared to their male counterparts.

Moreover, it discusses recent developments that indicate a positive change, such as the landmark sponsorship deals, increased viewership, and the growing commercial viability of women's sports. The narrative also acknowledges the role of social media and digital platforms in amplifying women athletes' voices and stories, thereby challenging traditional biases and stereotypes.

DEIB Analysis

From a DEIB perspective, the article's arguments underscore the critical importance of equitable representation and opportunity in all sectors, including sports. It serves as a microcosm for the broader corporate environment, highlighting how systemic changes and societal support can dismantle long-standing inequities. Specifically, the transition towards more equitable treatment of women in sports parallels the efforts needed within corporate structures to acknowledge and address disparities.

The engagement by corporate entities and media in women’s sports not only boosts the economic landscape but also fosters a more inclusive culture that values and respects diversity. This mirrors the necessity for companies to invest in DEIB initiatives that go beyond mere tokenism to create substantive change.

Practical Implications

For U.S. companies, the lessons drawn from the evolution of women’s sports provide a blueprint for adopting and enhancing DEIB initiatives. Firstly, it illustrates the importance of support and investment in underrepresented groups, showcasing how such measures lead to broader societal change and commercial success. Companies can reflect this by financially supporting DEIB programs, promoting women and minorities into leadership roles, and ensuring equitable policies and practices across all levels of the organization.

Secondly, the impact of visibility and representation, as highlighted through the successes of women's sports, underscores the need for companies to diversify their brand and leadership images. This includes marketing efforts that genuinely represent the diversity of their consumer base and creating mentorship and career development opportunities for underrepresented employees.

Thirdly, leveraging digital platforms for storytelling can be a powerful tool for companies to champion DEIB efforts authentically. Sharing success stories of diversity and inclusion, much like the narratives of female athletes, can inspire, educate, and cultivate a more inclusive corporate culture.


The evolution and current dynamics of women’s sports, highlighted in the article, not only mark a significant shift towards greater equity and inclusion in the sports world but also serve as an inspiration for organizational leaders across sectors. The key takeaways underscore the importance of visibility, investment, and advocacy in fostering a diverse and inclusive environment. For company leaders, embracing these lessons means actively supporting and implementing DEIB initiatives that drive systemic change, reflect societal values, and ultimately contribute to commercial success. The progress in women’s sports is a beacon of what is possible when diversity and inclusion are genuinely embraced, offering invaluable insights for corporate strategy and culture.


  • The Conversation. (n.d.). Is this the dawn of a new era in women’s sports? Retrieved from

Read the original article by Cheryl Cooky, Professor of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Purdue University

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