Lessons from the MS Society: Navigating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Volunteer Management


In the realm of corporate leadership, the imperatives of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) have never been more pronounced. In a dynamic socio-economic landscape, understanding the complexities encapsulated in DEIB theories and practices is essential for fostering an environment conducive to innovation, productivity, and respect. This blog post endeavors to dissect an insightful article on DEIB, providing a comprehensive overview, key points analysis, practical implications, and a summarizing conclusion that leaders of U.S companies can lean on to navigate the intricacies of DEIB within their organizations.

Introduction and Overview

The article in question, titled "How to Avoid a DEI Disaster Like the MS Society Just Had" by Suzanne Lucas, draws attention to a significant misstep by a notable organization in its attempt to embrace DEIB initiatives. Lucas's piece serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us that the path to a truly diverse and inclusive organizational culture is fraught with potential pitfalls. The relevance of Lucas’s analysis to both the corporate sector and broader society lies in its exploration of the implications of poorly executed DEIB strategies. Not only does it underscore the importance of a sincere commitment to DEIB principles, but it also highlights the need for a well-thought-out approach that is sensitive to the diverse perspectives and experiences of all stakeholders involved.

Key Points

The article delineates several core components that are crucial to understanding the incident it describes and the lessons to be learned from it. Firstly, Lucas details the event itself, providing a narrative of the actions taken by the MS Society that led to public outcry. Secondly, the article discusses the immediate response by the organization’s leadership to the backlash, which includes an acknowledgment of the mistake and steps taken to rectify it. Thirdly, Lucas explores the broader implications of the incident for DEIB efforts, suggesting that it reflects common challenges organizations face in implementing these initiatives.

DEIB Analysis

From a critical DEIB perspective, the arguments presented by Lucas warrant a deeper investigation into the often superficial adoption of diversity and inclusion principles by organizations. The MS Society's misstep reveals a disconnection between the intent of DEIB policies and their implementation. This incident illustrates the pivotal role of authentic engagement with DEIB values, emphasizing that beyond performative gestures, there lies the imperative for a deep, systemic integration of these principles into the organizational fabric. The analysis prompts a reflection on the necessity for continuous education, a participatory approach involving all stakeholders, and a commitment to transparent, accountable processes in the journey toward a truly inclusive culture.

Practical Implications

Translating the insights from the article into practice, companies in the U.S. are poised to benefit immensely from adopting a comprehensive, thoughtful DEIB strategy. Key recommendations include:

  • In-depth Training: Implementing regular, intensive training sessions that not only cover DEIB fundamentals but also address unconscious bias and foster empathetic understanding among employees at all levels.

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Actively involving a diverse range of voices in the formulation and execution of DEIB policies to ensure they are reflective of and responsive to the community they aim to serve.

  • Accountability Frameworks: Establishing robust mechanisms for accountability that include clear metrics for assessing progress and rectifying missteps in DEIB initiatives.

  • Continuous Reflection and Adaptation: Encouraging a culture of ongoing reflection and willingness to adapt DEIB approaches based on feedback and evolving societal norms.


In reflecting on the MS Society incident as detailed by Lucas, it becomes evident that the pursuit of DEIB within organizations is a complex, ongoing journey fraught with challenges. Nevertheless, it is a journey that holds the promise of fostering a more equitable, inclusive, and dynamic corporate environment. For leaders, the key takeaway lies in recognizing the need for a genuine, informed, and practical engagement with DEIB principles. By embedding these values into the very DNA of their organizations, leaders can navigate the pitfalls highlighted in the article, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and meaningful change.


Lucas, S. (n.d.). How to Avoid a DEI Disaster Like the MS Society Just Had. Retrieved from https://www.inc.com/suzanne-lucas/how-avoid-dei-disaster-ms-society.html

This blog post draws upon the insights and narrative presented by Suzanne Lucas to provide a succinct yet comprehensive exploration of DEIB in the contemporary corporate context, offering practical guidance for leaders committed to making a difference.

Read the original article by Suzanne Lucas

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