Brief: A word for Black stirs debate: term of endearment or veiled racism?

DEIB: Diversity Inclusion

The article in question, "A word for Black stirs debate: term of endearment or veiled racism?" (NBC News, 2023), presents a nuanced exploration of how the Spanish word 'negrita', traditionally considered a term of endearment, also carries with it a history of racism. This piece serves as an important case for leaders in the U.S. to reflect on the intricacies of language and its impact on fostering a positive and inclusive culture.

Key Points

The article outlines a societal debate sparked by the usage of the word 'negrita' within Latin American communities and beyond. On one hand, it is argued that the term is used affectionately to refer to individuals with dark skin. On the other, critics highlight the word's roots in colonialism and its perpetuation of racist stereotypes. Through various examples and testimonials, the article illustrates the ongoing battle between traditional linguistic customs and the evolving understanding of racial sensitivities.

DEIB Analysis

From a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) perspective, the controversy surrounding 'negrita' underscores the essential role language plays in shaping social dynamics and perceptions. As I analyze the article's arguments, it becomes clear that the issue at hand is not merely about a single term but about the broader context of how words can both reflect and reinforce societal prejudices. It serves as a reminder that, within the corporate sphere, leaders must be acutely aware of the power of language to either unite or divide.

The term 'negrita', much like other colloquialisms with complex historical backgrounds, exemplifies the challenges facing companies in their pursuit of inclusivity. Such controversies urge a reconsideration of how seemingly benign terms can exclude, offend, or diminish. The debate is indicative of a larger cultural shift towards greater sensitivity and respect for diversity, challenging organizations to reevaluate their communication practices and norms.

Practical Implications

For U.S. companies striving to create inclusive environments, the lessons drawn from the debate over 'negrita' are multifaceted. Firstly, there's an evident need for continuous education and awareness among employees about the impact of language on fostering a welcoming workplace culture. This involves not just avoiding potentially harmful terminology but also understanding the historical and societal contexts that imbue words with power.

Moreover, the article suggests adopting a proactive approach to inclusivity, where companies don't merely react to issues of language and representation as they arise but actively engage in dialogue with diverse communities to understand their perspectives and experiences. This might involve inclusivity training, consultation with diversity experts, and open forums for discussion among employees to cultivate a deeper understanding and respect for the complex dimensions of diversity.


The controversy over the term 'negrita', as explored in the article, serves as a potent reminder of the significant role language plays in shaping inclusive corporate cultures. For leaders, the key takeaways revolve around the imperative to recognize and address the multifaceted nature of words and their impact on creating environments where all employees feel valued and included. The journey towards genuine inclusion is ongoing, requiring continual reflection, learning, and adaptation to the evolving landscape of societal norms and values.


  • NBC News (2023). "A word for Black stirs debate: term of endearment or veiled racism?" [online] Available at: [Accessed Date].

This exploration into the complexities surrounding the term 'negrita' highlights the broader imperative for leaders to engage thoughtfully with issues of language and inclusion, recognizing the power of words to both harm and heal within the fabric of organizational life.

Read the original article by Maya Brown

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